
Artificial Intelligence Enhances Customer Service-01

Artificial Intelligence Enhances Customer Service But Needs Human Touch For Right Impact

As in the case of several other industries, Artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing in tangible changes to the field of customer...

Companies lose due to poor customer handling

Companies Can Lose Customers from Poor Service

Customers today are more than ever in the driving seat. With the power of digital media, they have become more informed...

Why bots are not enough to drive your company customer support

Why bots are not enough to drive your company customer support

Chat bots are most likely to drive your customers away The newest hype sweeping across the customer service field is the...

Omni-channel services: digital transformation of banking

Omni-channel services: pushing digital transformation of banking

Making the digital platform core of the business is no longer a choice for companies. Customer expectations have evolved with the...


Where does prompt online live help fit in the sales funnel?

With just a click of a button, customers are today able to gather information, compare features between different products and make...


Why Live Help is essential for Mobile Banking solutions?

For banking customers, no doubt the mobile phone has added an additional layer of convenience. With advantages like instant connectivity, ready...