Our new 6.6 version introduces a new and powerful feature that is designed for phone call scenarios.


This new powerful feature allows your agents who already speak with customers on the phone to invite them to co-browse with them in real-time. It works as follows:

  1. The agent speaks with a customer over the phone and asks the customer to open or look at the company web site on their computer.
  2. Agent asks the customer for the unique Assistance ID presented on company web site. (ID is automatically generated by the VeriTalk plugin – see below).
  3. The agent enters the number in the Assistance ID field in the Website Visitors page of VeriShow (see below).
  4. A co-browsing session is instantly opened for browsing or content sharing session – the customer does not have to perform any additional steps to engage with Agent. Simple, easy and quick.

Customer sees the unique Assistance ID that is presented him/her and can give that to the agent

Agent enters the unique ID in the Assistance ID field that is presented in the Website Visitors page and starts the session at the customer side automatically

To add this functionality, you need to insert a code snippet to the area of your site where you would like it to be displayed (e.g. footer, help section). This is a brand new feature, so during the this first roll out phase, to get the code, please contact VeriShow’s support or your VeriShow Account Manager.

Want to see VeriTalk in action?

If you would like to see a demo of the above or have any questions, please contact us.